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With a growing season of only 135 days and an annual cumulative precipitation of 45.4", Maine depends on its abundant agricultural venues.
Maine leads the world in production of wild blueberries. Blueberries developed their roots in Maine's acidic soils about 14,000 years ago. They are not cultivated or platned. They are part of the natural environment.
Wild Maine Blueberries
Maple Syrup Maine is 2nd in the nation in the production of maple syrup and Maine's Somerset County produces more maple syrup than any county in the nation.
Maine ranks 8th in the nation amoung producers of fall potatoes.

Abundant natural resources such as lumber, granite, and fishing are highly important to  Maine's economy.
Maine lobsters live in the wild, in their rocky ocean habitat off the coast of Maine. They are caught only by the eco-friendly, environmentally responsible trap method. Maine lobsters aer claimed to be the best lobsters in the world.
Maine Lobster
Brown eggs Maine's dairy industry is consistently amoung the state's leading agricultural sectors.
Maine leads the nation in production of brown eggs.


Photo Credits

1. public domain. Taken from
2. public domain. Taken from
3. public domain. Taken from http://
4. public domain. Taken from
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